Amazing Tales RPG
The best stories are the ones you make up with your children.
That’s the thought behind Amazing Tales, a story making game of roleplay and imagination for children who are old enough to have adventures. With the very simple Amazing Tales rules to guide you you and your child can make up stories together, rolling dice to add drama and excitement for everyone
In the book you will find
- The short and simple Amazing Tales rules. So simple a four year old will be able to explain them. Flexible enough to cope with the most imaginative requests.
- Advice on creating Amazing Tales with your child. Covering the specific challenges of making up stories that work for kids, different ways of handling fights in children’s games and ways to keep magic magic.
- Four sample settings for Amazing Tales, each with suggested characters and skills, tips for story tellers and ten story seeds – ideas just waiting to become Amazing Tales.
The settings are…
- The Deep Dark Wood: In the Deep Dark Wood you will find trees that move by themselves, animals that talk, and fairies who look after the forest. Enter the woods as a fairy, or a talking animal.
- Magical Kingdoms Long Ago: In the magical kingdoms you will find kings and queens, warriors and wizards, dragons, unicorns and giants. Explore the kingdoms as a prince or princess, witch or wizard, knight or explorer.
- Pirate Seas: The Pirate Seas are an exciting and dangerous place. Set sail as a pirate to hunt for treasure, explore forgotten islands, befriend the mermaids, fight seas monsters, and brave the wild blue yonder.
- Adventures Beyond the Stars: Far beyond Planet Earth lies a world of adventure. Gleaming spaceships voyage from planet to planet, man meets alien, robots talk, and a universe awaits to be explored. Take to the stars as a space ranger, robot, alien, or scientist.
Amazing Tales can be played with a single six sided dice. But a set of four dice with six, eight, ten and twelve sides are recommended.
Amazing Tales was written to be played sitting at a table, curled up on a sofa or snuggled up in bed by a parent and one or two children.
Amazing Tales lets your children make up any kind of character they want, such as aliens, robots, dinosaurs, fairies, knights, cowboys or superheroes. Amazing Tales was also designed to require no preparation on the parent’s side. If your children are in the mood for a game you can grab the dice and get started.
The 96 page hardback book features 28 pages of full colour illustrations and is embellished with black and white line drawings throughout. Perfect for sharing with adventurous children to inspire their adventures.